Thursday, September 20, 2007


Oh my, this blog completely got out of my mind, until a good friend of mine remembered me about it, by starting a blog by himself: Sjarel's Soccerproject behind the scenes blog

I'll just turn this blog up to date, and post something new now and then.

I've changed jobs, working at Androme now, which is actually a spinoff of the company I was previously working. We are in the telecommunications business, trying to get Videoconferencing accessible to everyone out there.

I'm still living with my girlfriend in the appartment I told about about a year and a half ago.

We went on holidays to the Provence (France), Athens (Greece) and Saalbach (Austria), but since that's a while ago, lets just forget about it ;)

We are leaving on a holiday next week, to Disneyland Resort Paris in France. I'll keep you posted about that trip!

1 comment:

Sjarel said...

Finally ;-)